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FAA Pride Executive Committee:

James A. Hatt

President 2022-2024

President 2020-2022

Brock Shetley

Treasurer 2022-2024

Treasurer 2020-2022

 Kelly P. Pagels

 Vice President 2023-2025
 Vice President 2021-2023

Sanijela (Sani) Varga

Secretary 2023-2025
Secretary 2021-2023

Andrea L. Zimbardi

Director-at-Large 2022-2024

Michael Tull

Director-at-Large 2022-2024

  Christopher Poulin 

  Director-at-Large 2023-2025


Other Board Members:

  Marie Kee

  Eastern Service Area Director

Jack Pahlas

Western Service Area Director

Bernard Links 

Central Service Area Director

Jon Moody

Membership Officer

FAA Pride Oath of Office

"I (name) hereby swear (affirm) that I will support the constitution and bylaws and at all times bear true allegiance to the goals and purposes of FAA Pride I further swear (affirm) to perform the duties and responsibilities of my office to the best of my ability.”

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